If you have never used Unity 3D or want to refresh your skills, this is the workshop for you. Bring a computer on which you have downloaded Unity 4.2, and we will build a simple game and then export it to the Windows Store.
We are creating a new Unity3D workshop hand in hand with the Georgia Game Developer Association:
This is the first in a series of free workshops to help you prepare for both the CDC Games for Health Jam and Microsoft’s $100,000 Unity Contest (http://unity3d.com/contest/windows)
Please confirm your assistance here: https://www.facebook.com/events/420953874692520/
The required technology is going to be simple: laptop, tablet or similar that allows you to run Windows. Download Unity 4.2 (http://unity3d.com/unity/download/) and Visual Studio Express to be able to export and publish your game.
Please note that we only have 25 available seats for this workshop.
6 - 9 pm, Wednesday, August 21
1125 Sanctuary Pkwy., Suite 300
Alpharetta, GA 30009
Phone: (678) 629-5700
Please note that we only have 25 available seats for this workshop.
6 - 9 pm, Wednesday, August 21
1125 Sanctuary Pkwy., Suite 300
Alpharetta, GA 30009
Phone: (678) 629-5700
Lastly, for continued learning and access to other programs focused on Windows 8 and Windows Phone development, we highly recommend signing up for the free App Builder program.
Sign up here with your email